Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 22: Vital Results or "Really? No Really?"

So here are the results. No STD's. No hep c exposure and resistant to hep a and b.

My Tcell/CD4 count is 517. Under 500 and they worry.

My percentage is 27.2% which is low. Under 30.8% is low.

With these alone it looks really scary.

A person with HIV can have a viral load anywhere between less than 50 copies to over 1,000,000 copies per milliliter of blood (copies/mL). Less than 50 copies/mL is considered undetectable. Low viral load is between 10,000 - 50,000 and under.

My viral load is 200! Yup it's fucking low. Apparently my immune system is just naturally low or the virus is sluggish and slow at replicating. So basically my immune system is barely working to keep the virus at a 200 (which would get even lower). My immune system looks at my HIV virus and says "Really? No really is that it?"

At this point the doctor says if I stay this way my body won't be working really hard to fight it off, meaning my immune system is going to stay really healthy even with HIV in me. He said I would probably start medication if I was in a relationship and wanted to have unprotected sex (sex like wolves, chickens or farmer/sheep) and keep my levels to undetectable.

He said this is really really great news. I am considerably healthy and very lucky.

OK time to eat!

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