Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 74: Birthday Eve

I had a very long day of waiting, again. My aunt planned a baby shower for my cousin today. She announced it a few days ago. Party to start at noon. Parents to return around 4pm. Talk about HIV. Go to dinner around 6pm. Meet up with friends at my house around 9pm. Head to Ortegas for late night happy hour at 10pm.

My parents called me at 6:30 pm letting me know they were just leaving. They suggested I go out with my friends as it was getting late.

Why is it that when I rely on my family to surprise me for my birthday, to do something special, to maybe just have something available it never happens.

I wanted to tell them with plenty of time to process. I wanted this to be my time to tell them. I wanted it to be easy, smooth, the right time. I got very frustrated when my parents came home and said they would give me money and I could go out without them. I wanted my family and friends to be available for me to ring in the new year. My mom and dad complained for a while about how late it was, which is funny because my mom drunk dialed on Halloween as she returned from a party at 2:45 am.

The night out was great. When friends showed up and we gathered for margaritas I really really enjoyed myself. We returned home and I hugged my parents. They are leaving Monday morning but they think it would be better to head up to my aunt's house (30 miles north) to get a better start on the drive.

I passed out on the couch. Intoxicated but very conscious.

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