Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 111: My Chivalry

I did a lot of thinking over the break on how I want to continue my blog.  I have been debating if I should write every day.  Obviously from the over a week hiatus during the holiday break and the occasional lapse in entries have made me think about whether or not I am keeping up with the intentions of this blog.  I feel guilty to myself. Why?  Because I am not honoring the reason why I am doing this blog.  I began to think about this and I tried to identify one simple question.  What is the reason for this blog?

Over the last three and a half months I have seen a huge transition in myself.  I feel a greater growth towards the person I want to become and am slowly discovering what I want and need, along with the things that I don't need.  I come from a very stoic family.  One that puts up and deals with problems with fortitude.  This is so important to contain but should not be the primary resource of self-performance.

My great-uncles were kick ass cowboy from Texas.  They were the modern day "Classy" Knight living their lives with chivalry.

The word is derived from the French word "chevalerie", itself derived from "chevalier", which means knight, derived from "cheval", horse - indicating one who rides a horse.  Chivalry is associated with a Knight's virtue, his honor and ability to court a woman (most of the time), courage, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, nobility, hope, strength, humility, and chastity.  Thanks wikipedia entries!

Can anyone be that perfect?  I doubt that.  Can anyone lead a life full of greater happiness?  Of course.  Yes I know you are thinking chastity!  Really Paul?  Chastity?  I don't see formal definitions holding up for some of these.  For instance, faith.  What is the correct faith?  I think anything that leads to respect for others and yourself in my eyes is the best choice.  We have our own journey in search of the higher plane of love.

As for chastity, I think it's a matter of being respectful to your own sexual being.  It's the fine line of asking yourself, am I a slut?  If you have to ask that question a lot then you probably need to tone it down!  If your moments of self pleasure make you late to various functions then it's probably time to schedule then at a better time or eliminate them in until you can be more responsible with your area!

So what does this all mean for me?  I think we all need inspiration into finding our own knighthood and I am hoping to find my own weekly moments of chivalry to aid in my own personal growth.  I hope it inspires you.  I will keep up a daily routine as best as I can however if there are a few days.

In the meantime it's time to explore my own classy chivalry as it serves my own classy life.  It does inspire me that you can't have chivalry without HIV - it would just be calry, which is a church in Ireland!  This does not mean you should go out and get it.  STOP!  Don't even think about sleeping with me.  Well, ok if you really want to, but understand you'll probably end up with a broken hip before you get hiv from me.

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