Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 42: It Could Be Worse

HIV is scary but it could be worse.

Ghosts are scary, leaches are scary, even shadows in dark creepy places are scary.

HIV is scary but at least HIV won't jump out from a bush or chase after you.

HIV is scary but it could be worse.

HIV is creepy but it could be worse.

Weird uncles are creepy, people uncomfortable with themselves are creepy, even farts are creepy as they linger in the air and suffocate the nose.

HIV is creepy but at least HIV won't leave a bad smell or make you feel ashamed to be living.

HIV is creepy but it could be worse.

HIV is disabling but it could be worse.

Missing a limb is disabling, Multiple Sclerosis is disabling, even erectile dysfunction is disabling when you can't get it up and your partner has been waiting weeks for your sex drive to emerge from darkness.

HIV is disabling but at least you can use preventive care and medications that don't complicate life to keep things under control.

HIV is disabling but it could be worse.

HIV is threatening but it could be worse.

Bigotry is threatening, intolerance is threatening, people who live by fear and reject education are threatening to anyone who isn't what society deems "normal."

HIV is threatening when you don't take responsibility and read about studies, research, precautionary steps to make it managable.

HIV is threatening but it could be worse.

HIV is deadly but it could be worse.

Seizures in grocery stores are deadly, drunk people driving vehicles are deadly, even cancer and heart disease are deadly to the skin, the heart, mind and soul.

HIV is deadly but it could be . . . wait a minute. HIV isn't deadly. HIV and AIDS do not kill people. People die from other complications that come after you decrease your health and happiness.

HIV isn't deadly as long as we live our lives in a healthy manner.

HIV isn't scary or creepy if you educate. HIV isn't disabling and threatening if you take preventive measures. HIV isn't deadly if you love yourself as much as your support network loves you in return.

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