Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 26: Come (mmmmm)

I spent the after rehearsing with a small chamber choir.  Once piece most sections sing the word "Come" and immediately close their mouth to continue hummming on the "m," resonating the sound in the nasal cavity.

I've taken some time away from singing because I no longer felt satisfied.

Today I felt satisfaction and appreciation for being able to create a sound, even a pleasant sound with my body.  I did not appreciate the baritone next to me that is very talkative, obnoxious, wrong half the time and quick to point out mistakes made by other people.  I also wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that I introduced myself to him (which was the fifth time in the last 4 years).  If only he wasn't correct the other half of the time.  My head goes back and forth "Shut up you're wrong; Thanks for catching that so that people don't continue that mistake!"

I miss singing.  On my drive home I was reminded of something I said to a couple of Mormon boys.

I was washing my car last summer.  I sat on my driveway with an old electric toothbrush.  I was detailing my rims.  These two Mormons came down Dove street, looking for people to talk to.  I watched them get turned down one house after another.  They approached me a second time and I said to them that I sing for the Catholic Church, and sometimes perform solos for a Mormon church my voice teach performed at, but I could only be a Mormon's friend, never one.

They asked why I sang for a church but didn't believe in their creed.  I explained to them that music is my credo.  I don't feel connected to the Mormon or Catholic Church specifically.  I do think there are some amazing pieces of music written for the church.  (Verdi's Requiem, lots of Bach, Bruckner, etc.)  I also think that some stories and text are very beautiful and allow a person open their heart closer to their god.

Music sends vibrations through the body.  These rhythms, sounds, beat can spit out emotions, sending chills down your spine.  You cry, you become angry, you laugh, you feel.

I explained to these guys that the same feeling I get from making music is the same feeling they get from their belief.  It doesn't matter which religion you choose, it's about channeling the universal love that all beliefs preach.

I get that satisfaction from various sources.

Music, especially choirs or chamber music
Someones playful dog
A movie that you can connect with
Cooking for friends
Kettle corn & Thai Food
I accomplish something I thought was impossible
Simple unexpected gifts
Hugs from friends
Unplanned BBQ's on rainy days
Games with teams
Everyone who makes me laugh causing me to spit out my food or drink

What makes you happy?

The boys eventually left as the day was getting darker and homosexuals were crawling out from rocks.  They had to get home and assist with the prop 8 campaign.

1 comment:

  1. People I love, family and friends
    Unexpected surprises
    Singing around a piano with friends.
    Sleeping in
    Youth who are open to learning and growing
    Inspirational people
    Pursuing Dreams
    Strawberries covered w/chocolate.
