Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 11: Everyone's A Hero in Their Own Way

I am having a really good day. I can tell you exactly why.

On a minor scale I received the movies Dr. Horrible and Paris Je T'aime. If you want to know how I feel watch Paris Je T'aime. The last movie where the woman finds the mutual existence of happiness and sadness is exactly how I feel now. I can feel complete joy at the same time as a tragedy.

I told my sister yesterday. She told me that she didn't want to tell anyone because she didn't want people to see me any differently. Funny - that's one of the biggest battles people go through with this. Along those lines they also seem to go two ways. Either they fall back into their bad habits, if not worse, losing hope or they move forward (hold on Penny is dying. NPH you are so sexy even as a bad guy! Oh ooops thoughts on virtual paper) and lead healthier lives. I think I know which one I want so FYI I am heading to Turkey! I hear they have wonderful baths and drugs! ;)

Back to moving.

It's so nice to feel motivated once again. Even if it might be just one of many jump starts.

Note: my ultimate plan has worked! I asked my sister to come to my therapy appointment a week from Monday so that we can talk about this. As it turns out my sister realized this is all a plot to get her into therapy. She realized I don't have HIV and it was a way of trickery! Everyone can go home I don't have HIV. Sorry Renee! (Sarcasm sign held very high!)

BTW for those of you reading my blog - you can't get HIV from my dried apricots or my shampoo. You can however get it from parkin' with monkeys from Ghana.

Funny story. A couple of years ago my grandmother's brother and his wife talked about how they drove to one of their sibling's house 70 years ago. The sibling gave them a turkey. They knocked out the turkey and killed it. They packed up the car, put the turkey in the trunk and drove home. On the way back to their house they decided to do some parkin' under the starry skies! Parkin' is of course ranges from heavy making out to baby making. While they were making out they heard something outside. As it turns out the turkey was not dead. It was squabbling about in the trunk of the car.

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