Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 15: Rain in September?

I went on a walk to the cliffs near UCSD. Stef and I found the radiant oranges, purples and reds were too hard to resist. The colors, as magnificent and proud as they were, calmed my lymph nodes so that I could forget about the irritation and remind myself how wonderful the ocean, sky and cliffs are. We were heading to the cliffs above Black's Beach (The naked beach) when out of no where large drops of rain fell on us. The smell was fresh and the sky was clear for the most part. In Uganda they say a sunshower is where "the leopard is taking her daughter to get married." In Mexico it means someone who owes you money shall pay you back soon.  In German it is called "When it's raining and the sun shines, the devil is beating his grandmother: he laughs and she cries."

We continued to the cliffs and looked into the distance.  On the return we saw a bolt of lightning just inland.

Today I go to my new doctor.  I have a list of questions to ask him like what kind of herbs/supplements should I take since I am not on medication just yet?  Pau d'arco and slippery elm - do they work?  How does acupuncture and massage therapy assist?  Does a lymphatic drain put to much strain on the nodes?  Are my migraines a mix of sinus and lymphatic activity?  What are the statistics for having sex with someone?  Should I use foam, cream and jelly along with five condoms at a sheet with a hole?  Flu shot? Swine Flu shot? Viral Load - really is there another term that doesn't have "load" in it? How offensive is that - this virus gets to have its load in me and I don't get to enjoy it? What about my needs?

I found out two weeks from today about this.  Yesterday I felt sadness but I was reminded with friends, good food and some Orphans' Tears that during down time I have to reach out to the resources I have.

A Way With Words discusses variations of a sunshower. Start at 40:55.
Here is a complete list by Bert Vaux

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